Topic outline

  • Welcome

    •      Hello and welcome to my webpage! I started my career here at National Trail Local Schools in the Fall of 2011. I began my career here as a substitute teacher for three years working in all three buildings finding my home in the high school. For the 2014-15 school year, I was hired on full time as the Apex Instructor overseeing Trail’s online credit recovery and distance learning program working in that capacity for two years. Starting in the 2016-17 school year, I worked with the Special Education Department and high school Intervention Specialists. At the start of the 2018/19 school year, I transitioned to the position of HS Art teacher. In addition, I work as the HS Art Club Advisor, Assistant High School Band Director, and was the Co-Drama Director for seven years. I enjoy working with students and seeing them grow and mature into our nations next generation of leaders.

           I am a proud, 2006 honors, graduate of National Trail where I was heavily involved in multiple extracurricular activities. I furthered my studies at Ball State University, Go Cardinals!, where I obtained a Bachelor’s of Science in Art Education. I currently reside in Eldorado, Oh with my orange tiger striped cat Tangey. I enjoy reading, sketching and spending time with my family, especially my four nieces.

      • Phone: (937)437-3333 ext. 1233
        • Topic 4

          • Topic 5