Mr. John Toschlog
Director of Transportation & Safety
937-437-3333 x1202
Mrs. Jean Brower
Transportation, Athletic and Guidance Secretary
937-437-3333 x1202
Bus Stops & Designated Place OF SAFETY
Ohio Pupil Transportation Operation and Safety Rules prescribe methods for how students are to load and unload at bus stops. Our drivers train students on the rules and proper loading, unloading, and riding procedures at the beginning of and throughout each new school year.
Loading and unloading procedures are required by the state in order to make school bus transportation safer for students. The rules are as follows
Each student will have a Designated Place of Safety on the residence side of the bus assigned by the bus driver.
For loading in the morning, each student will go to the designated place of safety before the bus arrives and wait until the bus driver signals for the students to board the bus. Before leaving the designated place of safety, the bus driver is required to count the students and then count them again as they board the bus. The hand signal to be used by drivers is to raise the hand palm up and out towards the windshield. When safe to board, the driver will make eye contact with the students and slowly drop the hand straight down.
For unloading after school, students will be required to go to their designated place of safety. They must remain there until the bus leaves the bus stop before they can proceed to their residences. While at the designated place of safety, students will be counted by the bus driver to make sure the number is the same as what was counted when students got off of the bus.
The rules do not allow students who miss the bus to try to flag the driver to stop the bus. Students may only board the bus from their designated place of safety. The rules state that each pupil shall be assigned and required to use a specific school bus stop except in unusual circumstances as approved by the transportation supervisor. Students who miss the bus will have to provide their own transportation to school.
Routes are SET as of Friday, August 11. Any pick up/drop off changes or requests after August 11 may require up to 2 weeks to accommodate and become effective. Please check the Bus Schedules below to find your child's route and AM pickup time. (Drop off times are not posted)
Please understand that routes cannot be changed to accommodate last minute notifications. You will be responsible to transport your child until such time the transportation department can reasonably make those adjustments to the routes.
Miami Valley Career Technical Center Students/Parents
- Please drop off your CTC students in the HIGH SCHOOL parking lot. For safety reasons, cars are not permitted in the bus loading area any time school buses are present.
- The National Trail/CTC Bus will depart promptly at 7:20am each morning and return at 3:05pm. CTC students are scheduled to ride afternoon elementary bus routes home.
- There are some days throughout the school year that the MVCTC is scheduled to be in session while National Trail is scheduled to be closed to students. For example, National Trail Staff Development days. On these types of occasions, National Trail will provide transportation from National Trail School to MVCTC and back. Students will need to provide transportation to National Trail School and plan to arrive no later than 7:15am for a 7:20am departure to MVCTC.
- Please note: For the safety of all students, the CTC Bus will not stop for any students once the door has closed and the bus has departed from it's parking location. NO EXCEPTIONS
NATIONAL TRAIL POLICY: High School and Middle School students are NOT permitted to ride elementary buses from participation in extra-curricular, after school activities.